Using the Geoggyblog

The blog is to be followed by RISS students and linked to personal blogs. In your personal blog you will reflect on class time learning and present your own ideas.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Government aid_locating a car assembly plant

The summary from Tuesdays activity : Government aid - who wins the car assembly plant? Where Should Holden Build their Car Factory? Germany • Many skilled workers • High quality • Developed country with good infrastructures • Most developed country in Europe • 1 year rent free UK • One of the strongest countries in the world • It has a large population for labour • Many visitors to advertise the factory • Global wide trading • Developed country so it’s easier for importing • High rate of export, low cost of materials • Government aid-no rent for 2 years • Reduce taxes, support with transportation • Many raw materials and components Italy • Located in the center of Europe, it’s easier to export to Europe • Government aid of 1 year rent free • Efficient work force • Good relations with Australia • Has a lot of land • Trade with Australia is increasing • Trade with other nations (France, US, Germany) • Skilled labour • Trustworthy Malaysia • Price of labour is cheaper • Capable of producing a lot of products • Offer land for free for 15 years. No rent during construction • Government will get 20% of profit if Holden makes profit above the value of the rent • Factory outside city, but not far Discussion What are your arguments? What are the other arguments? Do you agree with the decision of the UK? What is the role of the government aid in each country?

Monday 7 May 2012

Write what the top four most important location factors for choosing the right site for a car factory. Location factors Many skilled workers living in the local area-Labour Force; Many components made in local factories-Components, Raw Materials; Access by road to major ports for export markets-Transport, Markets; Good rail links to major UK markets-Transport, Markets; Good raod and rail links for transport of components to factory and finished cars to markets-Transport, Markets; Attractive countryside and pleasant villages-Labour force, Site; Electric power available through the National Grid-Energy supply; Large, flat land with room for expansion-Site; Co-operation with national Government-Capital, Other; Good communications with Europe-Markets, Capital; Good industrial relations-Markets, Capital; Helpful local authorities-Capital, Other; History of car making in the UK-Other.

Monday 23 April 2012

Where the Consumer’s Money Goes After Purchasing $100 Pair of Trainers
Reflection Is this a fair division of wages? Give your opinion and reasons for new percentages of wages for each job. Include photos and/or videos in your blog.

Monday 19 March 2012

Global Fashion Industry

THis week we did a listening exercise to learn about the Global Fashion Industry. For your weekly reflection, tell me what you learned about this industry. AND embed a video on your blog.
Like this one:

Monday 5 March 2012

Supply and Demand_The Diamond trading game

Supply and Demand. Describe how your played the game today and on your blog :
1. Explain how supply and demand was changing the value of diamonds during the game.
2. Ways in which you could have played the game better.

Monday 20 February 2012


What are your views on nuclear power?

We want a nuclear power plant in Kyoto Against
No nuclear power plant in Kyoto
• Cost money to have other countries help
• Japan might fall behind in developments
• Need power station for energy since renewable energy doesn’t make enough energy
• Power station will be made in a safe place
• Renewable energy is weak and won’t support the whole country
• Safety precautions
• Renewable energy is expensive
• Coal and oil causes global warming
• Where are non-profits getting the money?
• Learning from mistakes and creating more safety precautions
• Solar panels take up more space
• No one got hurt or mutated after last nuclear explosion
• 1 in a million chance for a nuclear explosion •
Renewable energy
• Non-profit organizations help support
• Is electricity or human life more important?
• Use solar energy
• Solar power is cheaper, save money and save lives
• Wait a few years until Japan has more money
• Nuclear explosion can cause health problems